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After Namibia we came back to Capetown where we would receive, Viveka, one Margii from the US who came for a conference in Durban. He came a week early as to see Ananda Marga in South Africa and meet the members in various towns.

In Capetown we, I should have told that the "we" I have been speaking of is Dada Madhududana and myself. He was actaully posted to Romania but there were lots of obstacles to overcome before he could actually get there (and many more on arrival!) He finally made it after our travels with Viveka, late August or early September. 

Ok in Capetown we also met up with Ann one lady who worked for several years from our Jagrtii in Auckland (New Zealand) doing Hoemeopaty and flower essences therapies. She is a beautiful spiritual person, always working to help others. Now she came to visit friends in SA and somehow located me. 

We all went to the botanical gardens and the next day we climbed up Table Mountain. A much steeper climb than anything we do on my Himalayan trek! Both Ann and Vivek came along very nicely, as well or better than me though 20-30 years older! The other Dada grew up in Capetown and climbed up once a week so we had to seriously reign him in otherwise we would lose our gide in minutes:-)


me, Ann and Dada Madhusudan Sculptures in the botanical garden



Lot's of life size sculptures in beautiful setting The Table Mountain with table cloth


Mother feeding unruly child


Pineapple? No, they are the seeds of the Cycat,
already around when the dinousours ruled the planet
Going up the mountain


View of Capetown from the top of Table Mountian


Lots of wild flowers, actually here is the highest
density of plant spiecies.
A bird very hard to catch on camera, very small and
very fast. Finally s/he sat down just next to me:-)




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