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More photos from Capetown (3) our drive (still with Viveka and Dada Madhusudana) to Johannesburg (3) in Johannesburg (3) and the rest Durban.

I love making close up photo's
of nature:-)
On our way up to Table mountain
we stopped and did our meditation
on the edge of the steep rocks


Our group in Capetown all watching photo's
on the computer
Lots of beautiful desert flowers



  Agave, the tree where Dada Madhusudan
 makes his drums from.


Body Guard... most cute and playful Our stand at the Earth Summit Forum


Cultural display at the earth summit Caught... while the others were looking for
spiritual music


Sadhana on Durban beach, with Valmiki on the left, Vivek, me and Dada madhusudan. Valmiki is doing great work with the down town Durban street kids. Sweet little kittens


Are Dada's only serious? If still in doubt... here we had a nice wressle. Waever bird


Something ancient... S/he didn't want to uncurl Princess?
She came to the wrong place for a kiss:-)


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Also all photo's are available in high resolution 1600x1200 and free to use for non-commercial purposes.

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