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Madagascar and beyond (5-20 September)

Madagascar was a very intense but inspiring time. I had planned to be there for two weeks but due to flight availability I could in the end only stay one week.

Near the house in the zoo where I stayed Antananarivo, still lot's of rice fields in the city

The first day was quite and I had time to make a photo... Next day we had our Dharma Cakra (group meditation) were a good number of our members turned up. Many more than I expected! After the talk I told jokingly that as the ticket had been so expensive they should really try to utilise me as much as possible... Well it just happened like that! The next five days were filled with giving Initiations, lesson reviews, and new lessons. There was also one lecture organised at the university. The last time a Dada had visited was more than two years so many had been waiting a long time. So I had 9am to 10pm days, often missing one meal or other. (Except on the two fasting days when all the meals were missing...)

A program like this both very inspiring as well as very exhausting but the inspiring part is more than worth it! To see the change in those who got there initiations and reviews.

Taking all the vows And: husband and wife:-)

The last day, a long time wish of one of our margiis was fulfilled. An Ananda Marga Spiritual wedding. Somiir had been practicing for many years already but his wife only started now once she realised that she didn't need to give up her religion. She also was very happy with the ceremony, and her family who didn't know anything about our organisation was also most happy.

Most of our Madagascar family  

One more beautiful experience was to find Sanskrit names for many who had not received them. And every one was so happy with their new (additional) names. All seemed to be chosen correct, only one I thought the name which I wanted to give intuitionally was not good and I selected an other alternative. When she suddenly asked me if I had found her a name, I mistakenly gave her the 'wrong' one, the first one. But she was very happy... you see I tried to use my intellect to do better than what intuition told me... my little I was tricked and she did get the one that my intuition had selected!

Lemurs, Hi

I see that so many people are touched by our ceremonies, members and non-members alike. They are always simple, universal and touching the essence. After the wedding we all went for a walk in the Zoo, this was when I finally got time to make some more photo's for all of you! Yatindra made all the great wedding photo's.

Giant Turtles, about 1meter this one huge eyes but tiny brain


Lemurs in Madagascar back in Durban: lining up for Didi's great food

Actually at the same time one other drama was playing... My passport was completely full and I was told on leaving South Africa that I couldn't come back if there was no empty page... With much help with one of the margiis, through diplomatic connections, I got a temporary passport just on time so I could get back to South Africa to finish the Dome construction in Durban

The universally acclaimed best spot to hang out. Final picture

And here you see we managed to complete it. The brothers who were building got more and more inspired when it was nearing completion and in the end we finished in two days instead of the three I thought it would take.

Now in a few days I'll be on my way again... Several workshops, training, presentations and I hope a visit to Calearth where all these domes started.

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Just spend a week in Netherlands where I was fortunate to spend some time with my family who visited. Also chance to give new lesson the brother whom I taught meditation last year.

Now it could be quite a while before I get to the next Newsletter.. Probably November sometime and hopefully before the India tour in December.

See you later:-)


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