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After the Summer retreat in Ananda Kanan I went back to Mexico for few weeks to be in my office.

Now to make ends meet the idea is that the Dada's and Didi's are supported by our members. Still in most places we don't have enough members and many are students who have little money. So practically many of us have to find ways to raise additional funds to do our work. Each has their skills... You probably know from earlier News Letters that I took training to be able to build domes and teach other to build domes. So this time one group in Ghana invited me to come, help and train people in this technology.

As with al these projects there were many obstacles, most things didn't go as planned and we could only start a week after I arrived... The dome was not completed, but enough training was given so right now it is ready. I hope to get a photo sometimes...


Initial work on digging the foundation and the water proofing of it


First layers done and a proud team. It was not in program by Ananda Marga but without the margii
above I think it would have been very difficult


Alternative construction uniform Still time to visit Dada Daneshananda's water project a days travel away.


Testing a new water stand pipe. This water project is now providing clean water to 24 villages.
It is build and maintained by the villagers. So unlike may similar projects there is a good chance it will continue to work.


Filtration plant The dam of the catchment lake. A flood almost broke it.
Here it's shored up with sand bags. Right now it has been fully repaired


Back on the building sight, kids enjoying the shade

And other friend :-)


The entrance of the dome taking shape Dome warming... A vibrant drumming concert


Dorinda the main inspiration behind the dome. Entrance from above

Forgive me for not writing with more detail... still in catch up mode. We're only in September 2006 right now...

From here back to Mexico for more domes and more programs.


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