Namaskar and greetings to you all,

This is my personal site where I am keeping a log of what I am doing. Not everything though... just those things I thought to be nice for others:-) It is said that pictures say more than 1000 words so I have generously put photo's. So just click any of the links on the left starting at Part 1 on the bottom: Arrival in Africa in 2000. Since a few years now my news letter has stopped and thus also additions here to the website. I am still going and so is all the work. Maybe even at higher speed. Hopefully one day I'll get into regular photo newsletters again. In the mean time there is plenty here to get some idea :-)

Oct 2013 finally fully switched to the free and open operating system Linux. No more Microsoft :-) It comes with almost all the programs you need already preinstalled, the missing ones were only few clicks away

June 2014 Updated a few things on this site and started replacing all the photo's with bigger versions. When I started internet was slow and expencive in many countries so I reduced to photo's in size so that no newsletter would be over 1Mb. I realise that now there is no problem having bigger photo's. Also people have bigger screens so the small photo's look now even smaller. It will take a bit of time before all is done. So far only the first 4. Oh and a new photo of myself on the right. The other was over 10 years old.

[I realise that as I am giving the link to this page to many people I should introduce myself a bit better... So I'll re-write this introduction page in near future. Meanwhile... I am a Meditation teacher with Ananda Marga, I have been a Monk since 1991 and received several assignments. My first was in Australia, a year later I got transfered to New Zealand where I worked for more than eight years teaching meditation at the ununiversities, renovating our meditation centre, organising yoga weekends and setting up (and renovating) a retreat centre. Then in 2000 I got transfered to Africa where I started to make this news letters as so many friends and family wanted to know what I was up to and I couldn't write everyone individually. Since 2004 I have been reassigned to what is called New York sector (North and central America)

Though my main job is to teach meditation and helping people to realise their spiritual goal, in many cases people don't have the minimum nesesities of life. In such situation thinking beyond basic survivalis very difficult. So social service and helping to create such social envionment where everyone has the basic nessesities is also equally important aspect of my work and the objectives of our organisation. Our teacher talks of the five basic nessesities: Food, Clothes, Shelter, Education and Medical. As my personal back ground is engineering and I always had interrest in construction and alternative energy I got involved with alternative building through an article that my brother forwarded me about Nader Kalili. In the last years I got to build quite a few domes in different social service projects and teach to the local people at the same time. Right now I am working in Mexico]

For the last 15 years I had the privilege to be the guide for a Spiritual Adventure tour, where we visit India and Nepal. See Part 7 to 11. for the 2001-2002 tour,Part 23 to 26 for the 2002-2003 tour, Part 39 to 40 for the 03-04 tour, Part 46 for the 04-05 tour, Part 54 for the 06-07 tour. Though yearly tours have happened since, even to other parts like Ladakh I have not caught up with news letters.

October 2002 I did a very inspiring training at Calearth in California. Nader Khalili tought us all about building with earth in a very novel way. Have a look at Newsletters Part 20 and Part 21.

Just got a new posting: RS-Tanenarive, but till I get replacement I still have to take care of Durban region. I hope to visit Mauritius in February 2003. And yes... I got there as planned. See Part 27.
In September 03 I made it to Antananarivo it self, a very intense and inspiring week, see Part 36

Beyond that the Dome phase has started Part 28, 29 & 31 on the construction in Ananda Nagar, India. Part 32 on the construction in Philippines, Part 33 & 34 in Mongolia. 35 under construction in Durban... and finished in 36. Part 37 & 38 about New Zealand, Part 41 in Thailand, Part 42 in Canada, Part 44 in Ireland, Part 45 in Mexico, Part 49 in Pakistan and Part 52 in Ghana. Some more soon on Mexico in Part 55.

In the mean time I was transferred from Africa (Nairobi Sector) to North and Central America (New York Sector) my specific posting is RS-Monterrey which is the northern part of Mexico. Parts 47, 48, 50, 51AB, 53 are from there. Part 51A & B are from a great event the Mexico Kundalini Bus tour.,

As I am getting requests to give on site training sessions (like the above) I made a calender to show when I could be available. I normally ask you to cover all my travel, food and lodging plus an amount on a weekly base.

I started to write some articles, one is finished.

Also I am trying to get away from Bill Gates and his operating system "Windows:" in all it's flavors. The whole philosophy behind it is so contrary to the ideals we stand for that I feel the sooner we can switch and replace it with something more ideological the better. The good thing is there is such Operating system and it's called Linux.

And lastly anything on health that helped me...

With Love,

Regional Secretary for Monterrey Region